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Parents Corner

Pitching Lessons

So your daughter has expressed interest in pitching when she moves up to 10u, 12u or 14u. It is best to begin pitching lessons as early as possible, even 7 or 8 years old. Starting early provides the opportunity to take the time necessary to develop the skills, strength and technique to be an effective pitcher before ever pitching in a live game. This being said, it is okay and very common that a pitcher takes their first lessons only weeks or months before entering an age group in which pitching is handled by a player pitcher. In any case, lessons from an experienced pitching coach is essential for any pitcher to learn the correct techniques to be successful as a pitcher. 


We have put together a list of known experienced Pitching Coaches. This list is by no means inclusive of all Pitching Coaches in the area, others may be sought out.

Kyla Holas

Pearland Area

Phone: (713) 775-2093